Now that Christmas is getting closer families all around Iceland [...]
Now that Christmas is getting closer families all around Iceland [...]
Now that the New Year is about to arrive [...]
Now that the Christmas season has started many may wonder [...]
Jólasveinar einn og átta, Jule-lads one and eight. That´s how [...]
The last of the Jule-lads to arrive down among people [...]
The 11th of the Jule-lads is Gáttaþefur he came from [...]
The ninth of these funny Jule-lads is Bjúgnakrækir, he arrives [...]
On the 19th of December, the eighth Jule-lad makes his [...]
As we continue learning about the Icelandic Jule-lads the next [...]
The fifth of these funny lads is Pottaskefill arriving on [...]